The first and the most obvious advantages that you get is lot of choice and variety when buying wooden shelves. You can buy very cheap and inexpensive shelves or you can buy shelves made of very expensive rosewood and teakwood, which will cost a small fortune.
Secondly, wood has the capacity to withstand lot of punishment. Just take a look at antique shelves in the market and you will find that most of them are made of high quality wood.
Thirdly, wooden shelves offer a lot of scope for personal expression. The skill of the artisan plays a very major role in the quality of the shelves. If you get the shelves made by the right person, you can combine utility, functionality, aesthetics and long life without any difficulty.
Wooden shelves can be painted and polished without any difficulty. Every time you polish the shelves, it will look as good as a brand new. You can use the same shelves again and again for years without worrying about it ever going out of fashion.
It is easy to customize and modify the shelves. All you need is a hammer and a few nails and you can make it look different. You can use a saw to cut a part of the shelf so that you get more space.
You can use wooden planks to add more divisions. You need not have to be an expert to do all this. You can make use of do it yourself kits that contain all the necessary material to carry out such repairs and modifications.
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