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A vast majority of those who play the sport of golf prefers to own a golf bag made of leather because of its durability and its style that never go out of fashion.

These leather bags have proven their durability through a century of the sports. In fashion also, the older the leather bags, the classier they look.

The price of the leather may come at a steep price considering the chemical process the raw material undergoes, not to mention the durability it acquires after the process. Yes, leather when well kept can serve the owner for quite a long time.

In the past, leather golf bags were large inconvenient bags. Today, you can pick from a wide selection of leather bags that come in different styles and cut. Take time to check the different bags below that would suit your style and need.

Experienced golfer who requires only a few clubs may decide to use what we call a Sunday bag that is smaller and lighter than the conventional one.

If you are planning to play just nine holes, instead of the full game of eighteen holes, Sunday bags are ideal for you. They do not have the traditional heavy inner material needed to hold the leather. Since these bags are lighter, they do not require hard leather. This is the reason why they come in soft leather.

Another bag can fit a set of golf clubs, but still smaller than the large inconvenient leather bags. This are often called the Executive bag. It comes with pockets for the golf balls and other accessories. Some would include a compartment for extra clothes or rain coats.

The large inconvenient bags are called tour bags. These are found usually on the golf carts driven by the golfers. It is like storage for all of your equipment and accessories.

Source by Robert Shorn

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